• Mon - Fri : 9AM - 6PM
  • 856-283-0777

Neighborhood Assistance Program

Neighborhood Assistance Program dedicated to helping those most affected by COVID-19 by delivering groceries, home-cooked meals, and essential supplies – free of cost. We partner with local nonprofits with connections to families in need. Our volunteers will then shop or cook what the families need and deliver the food/supplies completely free of charge.

Why are we doing this?

Millions of Americans are negatively affected by the pandemic and or federal government isn’t doing enough to help those with the most needs. We’ve been reacting instead of responding. Most of us will be able to get by. Others who are elderly living alone, immigrants, unemployed, or ineligible for aid will have a difficult time.

Those of us lucky to have a bit of time and money on our hands decided to get together and to do something. We’ll shop, cook, delivering, and pay everything ourselves to help our friends, families, and neighbors get back on their feet.

About Neighborhood Assistance

If you know anyone who needs assistance, you can send them this form or apply on their behalf. Once we received the requests, we divide the tasks among our volunteers and get to work. We’ll go shopping, cook, package, and deliver to your door. We’ll cover all expenses, so it won’t cost you anything.

Our volunteers are paying out of their own pockets and delivering supplies to you personally because they care. We ask that you only refer to those who actually need the help. And please don’t take advantage of the program.

How does it work?

1. Determine if you or anyone you know needs assistance with groceries, food, or hygiene supplies

2. Fill out this form (you can fill out for another person)

3. We’ll give the recipient a call to discuss their needs

4. A volunteer will fulfill the request and deliver to the recipient

5. Recipient refers program to 1-2 other individuals

Who can apply?

Anyone can apply for themselves or for someone they know. Simply fill out this form HERE. Please make sure the person is within the area that we currently serve. We’re looking to expand our reach once we have more volunteers.

Area currently serving: South Jersey NJ, Philadelphia PA,

Can I volunteer?

Absolutely we need volunteers! Please fill out this volunteer form and we’ll be in touch.

How can you help us?

Tell someone about this program, however, please limit to just 1-2 people. We’re a small team and can’t handle large volumes.

Interested in working with us?